
Energy Conservation and Work Simplification

Energy Conservation and Work Simplification

The principles of energy conservation and work simplification are focused around reducing the amount of energy required to complete a task. Energy conservation depends on the elimination of unnecessary steps in an activity and promotes the simplest, quickest, and easiest way of doing things. There are three main methods of altering a task to conserve energy including:

  • Modifying the task i.e. undertake the activity whilst seated instead of standing
  • Use assistive equipment and aids i.e. long handle duster and long handled pruners
  • Pacing the activity i.e. breaking the task down into smaller, more manageable steps and integrate rest breaks.

MK Health’s Occupational Therapists have a sound knowledge of the principles of energy conservation and have successfully delivered training and education to many clients and carers across South Australia. Following completion of training, detailed information sheets are provided to participants for future reference.

Our energy conservation education can be delivered in a group forum at our clinic and often run in conjunction with our falls and balance classes. They can also be completed in the home environment following home based assessment and intervention.      

The Principles of energy conservation can be used by people suffering from injury, disability or disease and include:

  • Spread heavy and light activities throughout the day
  • To position himself as close as possible to areas where tasks are being performed to minimise reaching requirements
  • To maintain an upright posture for activities such as sweeping and vacuuming using small forward movements to avoid over-reaching
  • For lifting and handling of items at home, it is important advised to keep the weight of the item as close to the body as possible to minimise load.
  • Prioritize activities of the day. Do heavier tasks when you have the most energy and save lighter tasks for rest times.
  • Plan and organize activities. Set up your work area so you don’t have to run around looking for items to complete the task.  Eliminate any unnecessary steps.
  • Pace yourself. Don’t try to complete the whole task in one session. Break up the task into smaller, manageable steps. A good rule of thumb is to take 10 minutes each hour to rest.
  • Deep breathing exercises while you work helps to maintain your breathing rate and relax yourself.  
  • Sit to work whenever you can.  Sitting to work uses 25% less energy.
  • Assistive devices compensate for decreased or lost of function and enhance your ability to take care of yourself more comfortably and more safely. They can be obtained from medical and surgical supply stores or some drugstores. Grab bars can be fastened to the bathtub or attached to the wall for safety and ease in getting in and out of tub or shower or on and off the toilet. Bath seats will allow you to sit in the shower to minimize fatigue. Hand-held shower heads can be used with a bath seat in the bathtub to minimize energy.
  • The most important energy conservation tip is to listen to your body!

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