Training for Clinicians

Pressure Care Training

Pressure Care Training

Pressure care is an important intervention used by Occupational Therapists and nursing staff to prevent the onset of a pressure wound or manage the presence of a pressure related ulcer. Pressure ulcers occur due to pressure applied to soft tissue resulting in completely or partially obstructed blood flow to the soft tissue. Shear is also a cause, as it can pull on blood vessels that feed the skin.

Pressure ulcers affect many people who suffer from various injuries, diseases and disabilities however they most commonly develop in people who are confined to wheelchairs, frail aged or patients who are bed bound.

Early detection of pressure ulcer is important to ensure rapid treatment and avert wound progression however the most effective form of management is prevention.

Occupational Therapist utilise numerous pressure risk assessment tools to identify patients that are at risk of developing pressure sores. One such risk assessment tool is the Braden Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Tool which encompasses six categories including:

  • Sensory Perception
  • Moisture
  • Activity
  • Mobility
  • Nutrition
  • Friction & Shear

Once a risk has been identified, the Occupational Therapist must undertake a detailed assessment to ensure that their pressure care plan and recommendations are tailored to the individual.

MK Health’s clinicians have highly developed skills in the area of pressure care assessment and intervention. Our therapists have extensive knowledge and experience in the provision of pressure relieving equipment items and have completed numerous evidence based practice studies to ensure that our recommendations reflect best practice standards.

MK Health’s Senior Occupational Therapists are able to provide comprehensive pressure care training which comprises pressure risk assessments, development of pressure care plans and provision of pressure relieving equipment. We have delivered training to allied health staff, nurses, patients and carers and have assisted residential aged care facilities in developing pressure care policies and procedures which have contributed to the quality of care.

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Training for Clinicians

Opening Hours

  • Monday-Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday