Corporate Services

Go beyond the conventional 9-to-5 mindset and empower your employees to enhance their health and wellbeing in all aspects of their lives, enabling them to bring their utmost potential to work each day.

In Australian workplaces, the importance of investing in employee health and wellbeing is well understood, as it significantly impacts productivity, retention, and engagement. However, the current challenge lies in effectively supporting the comprehensive health and wellbeing of your employees to generate a tangible difference. When they lead happier and healthier lives, they are able to contribute their best selves to the workplace.

The key to addressing this challenge is adopting a holistic approach. It entails assisting employees in taking care of their mental and physical health, providing them with the necessary tools, support, and coaching to foster positive lifestyle and behavioural changes. By doing so, you will witness significant improvements in their happiness, engagement, and ultimately, your organisation's bottom line.

Our services, specifically tailored for your workforce and delivered by qualified clinicians, focus on enhancing the overall health and wellbeing of individuals. We cover areas such as mental health, physical fitness, injury prevention, and more. Discover how we collaborate with you to create a healthier, happier workplace for everyone involved.

Opening Hours

  • Monday-Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday